Watermelon Salad

Watermelon Salad
Prep Time : 10 minutes  |  Cook Time : 1 minute  |  Servings : 4

You’ll love this easy raw, vegan, gluten-free watermelon salad recipe! It’s the perfect refreshing treat for summer.  Enjoy the combination of sweet juicy watermelon, crunchy nuts, crispy lettuce and zesty onions.  Thanks to Rich from Not Just Recipes for sharing this delicious vegan recipe with us!


3 cups of seedless watermelon, cut into chunks
4 cups of tango salad greens, romaine or arugula
1 cup of roasted pecans, coarsely chopped
1/2 medium red onion, chopped
3 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar
2 Tbsp. agave nectar
1/2 medium shallot, minced
Coarse sea salt and black pepper to taste


1. Add washed greens, chunked watermelon and chopped onion to a large salad bowl. Toss gently to mix. Prepare the dressing. 

2. In a small bowl wisk together the balsamic vinegar,
minced shallot and agave nectar. Wisk thoroughly in
order to mix the vinegar and agave well. 

3. Just before serving, spread the pecans on the salad
and add a small amount of the dressing (about half) of the dressing and gently toss again to coat completely. Add a touch of course sea salt and ground black pepper. Enjoy!

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